Teaching Your Children Well


Modeling and Mentoring

Too often, the couples I work with can be derailed from focusing on what the children most need. Either or both parent can deeply believe they are acting with their children’s best interests in mind. However, when the intensity of emotionally-driven conflicts between the adults is present, the children’s needs can’t help but be put in a secondary position.

The truth is that for many years, the relationship between the parents is the single biggest factor influencing the self-identity and relationship outlook that is being formed in the mind and body of the child. Parents are the molders and shapers. Children, on the other hand, are ravenous mind, brain, and body sponges, absorbing the beliefs. emotions, and behaviors they observe in the relationship between their parents. They become what we have helped shape them to be. That is a humbling and challenging responsibility.

A Musical Reminder

Growing up, I often listened to the music of Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young. I recently listened again to the lyrics of their song, Teach Your Children. The lyrics spoke so clearly about the responsibilities we take on - intentionally or otherwise - when we raise children. When you find yourself frustrated, derailed and distracted, and confused about what is most important, take three minutes and listen to their song. Take in the lyrics. Remind yourself about what matters most when it comes to you and your children.

Hopefully, it will help you to refocus your energies on where you can model and mentor best.

Lyrics to Teach Your Children

You, who are on the road
Must have a code that you can live by
And so, become yourself
Because the past is just a goodbye

Teach your children well
Their father's hell did slowly go by
And feed them on your dreams
The one they pick's the one you'll know by

Don't you ever ask them, "Why?"
If they told you, you would cry
So just look at them and sigh
And know they love you

And you (Can you hear?) of tender years (And do you care?)
Can't know the fears (And can you see?)
That your elders grew by (We must be free)
And so, please help (To teach your children)
Them with your youth (What you believe in)
They seek the truth (Make a world)
Before they can die (That we can live in)

And teach your parents well
Their children's hell will slowly go by
And feed them on your dreams
The one they pick's the one you'll know by

Don't you ever ask them, "Why?
If they told you, you will cry
So just look at them and sigh
And know they love you

Source: Musixmatch

Songwriters: Graham Nash

Teach Your Children lyrics © Nash Notes


Lessons from the Chemistry of Relationships


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