Resources That Offer a Helping Hand



When you need a name…

Kevin Harrington, PhD - Psychologist. Specializes in working with children and families. Offers unique online courses and programs for teens and for parenting help.

Mindy Mitnick, MA - Psychologist. Specializes in conducting child custody evaluations. When the couple can’t agree and the children are caught as emotional pawns, Mindy’s experience and expertise can help.

Todd Melhoff, PsyD - Psychologist. Specializes in working with children and families. A specific area of expertise involves families with diverse racial, ethnic, sexual, or economic circumstances.

Julia Doss, PsyD - Psychologist. She specializes in working with children and families, using a mind and body-oriented, integrative approach. This is especially where a child and his/her family are wrestling with an illness.



Not sure where to go?

Psychology Consultation Specialists - Mental Health Clinic with multiple locations. Specialize in psychological and neuro-psychological evaluations of children and adults.

Erickson Mediation Institute - When looking for high quality mediation assistance, consider contacting the Erickson Mediation Institute.

Women’s Shelter and Support Center - Safety first. When facing abuse or threats, the first step has to be to protect you and your children. Call for help. Get safe.

Association of Family and Conciliation Courts - This organization brings together professionals across multiple disciplines who together serve the needs of children and families when divorce and intractable conflicts threaten every family member’s health and well-being.


Learning More

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